Ancient Ostia

The First Colony of Rome

To immerse ones self in an ancient Roman city is an opportunity not to be missed. At around 126 hectares it is the biggest archaeological site in the world and has recently experienced an extraordinary influx of visitors. The tour will uncover the history of Ostia Antica, the first colony of Rome, starting from it’s origins as a military fort in the last years of the 4th century BC until it’s peak under the Emperor Hadrian, who embellished many parts of the city with monumental structures.

From the Necropolis to the Forum

Through the explanation of the most significant areas in the site we are able to understand the daily life of the citizens of Ostia. Following the Necropolis we will then also visit houses, apartment blocks and baths, not missing of course the religious and commercial centres. The theatre, commissioned by the Emperor Augustus, will be another unmissable stop, as well as the Forum; the beating heart of the city for it’s citizens.

From the decline of the Empire to Mussolini

Like Rome, Ostia Antica will not remain unscathed by the decline of the Roman Empire. Falling slowly into disrepair by the 6th century AD the city becomes abandoned, forgotten over the course of centuries, although fortunately saved from destruction by the layers of earth and debris which covered the city like a veil. This protective layer kept the city preserved until the beginning of the 19th century when the first excavations began, under the direction of the ever-energetic Benito Mussolini. It is fascinating to discover how many similarities there are with our modern daily life and how much we could learn about the organisational management of urban settlements, of which the romans remain the undisputable masters.

Don’t Forget

For those with disabilities or mobility issues there is the possibility of an alternative route which ends at the refreshment area. The archaeological site of Ostia Antica is closed on Mondays

  • Certified guides
  • Help and assistance
  • Personalised tour
  • Entrance ticket: €18
  • Concessions: € 5 18-25 years old ID required and teachers or professors
  • Free entrance for those under 18


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